Sunday 18 August 2013

Week 2: Mid-phase

After last week i went back to the drawing board and explored more issues with people with arthritis, something i noticed that had considerable problems was how body spray deodorant is applied and after interviewing people with arthritis they emphasized the pain involved with stretching and twisting your arm to spray the deodorant, then on top of that the next problem was the difficulty in pressing the actual nozzle

Alexander Jackson
"Of the three concepts, I think that the third one shows the most potential. The overall shape is most reminiscent of existing designs which needs to be considered to cater for existing users. The side mechanism offers a much easier and more practical solution to deodorant use, as does the swivel ball at the top. The challenge will be trying to get all the bits and pieces to work together. textures will be important to the shape for better grip when using."

Sarah Howard
"blue and orange concept looks ergonomic and easy to use, good spread of load, obvious functions, would look good if manufactured, add on idea is ok but too many materials? arthritis suffers would have to buy both products? know how to use etc. you would need very good labelling and design graphics "

After showing my work to Scott some information i gathered was that my idea is on the track, scott felt that i should explore methods of this being something that can be used with current aerosol and spray cans, so instead of the manufacturer having to totally redesign the can and throw a heap of money into it i should explore a method that allows them to still use their same can design they have put so much funding towards.

After this week i am very pleased with my feed back and i am confident in the direction i am going in, still plenty of work is required but knowing that i am on the right track is very helpful and i already have a brief idea of what i want to have for next week

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