Sunday 11 August 2013

Week 1: research

Student feedback:
Lubar han:
"In depth research into arthritis which clearly shows your understanding of how much arthritis sufferers have problems. The solution to the problems you outlined are shown in your concepts. The concept which i liked the best was the coffee dispenser. Its something new and is easy to use by the arthritis sufferer by just twisting to dispense a serving of coffee. Another design which i think is fun and interesting is the tape like dispenser. That would be interesting to see as a finished concept when refined."

Debbie Tram:
"You have put the research in, but one of the designs,in particular the tape i feel will not work mechanically. Most of this has to do with how it has to fold down and roll into there. This being said if it was achievable then it would be very suitable to those with arthritis" Lecturer feedback: Mar From what i found out after Mar's feedback is that most of my work requires too much material for too irrelavent a product. Something very important to me he stated was how packaging can be clunky and expensive if its there to protect something that is very expensive or very important, he used an epi pen as an example and this really assisted in my knowledge of this assignment.

What i learnt
My research is good, but i need to continue it. But i need to totally rework my idea of innovative packaging, i should really observe what people with arthritis are struggling with be actual observation instead of just searching the web. I am going to go back to the drawing board and come up with a couple of other designs for a different requirement. This week feedback did help alot, although it shows i was going in the wrong direction its better i found out now than later on in the project.

Matthew Patane

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